Looking for a way to decorate easter eggs with your kids that doesn't involve messy bowls of dye? Here is a fun an easy way to decorate eggs using crayons!
Simply boil your eggs on the stove and when they are cooked pull them out and place them back in the carton.
While they are still hot take a crayon and draw all over the egg. The heat from the egg will melt the waxy crayon and create interesting designs all over the egg.
If you like you can dip them in egg dye after for
even more color!
Be careful, the eggs are very hot when they are taken out of the boiling water so make sure your kids know not to touch the hot eggs. You may want to reserve this craft for older kids who won't accidentally burn themselves.
You may also like: How to Make Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs
Colorful eggs, no messy dye!
Hi I’m Adrienne Carrie Hubbard. I believe a rich life comes not from the things you have, but the things you do; the experiences you create and the people you meet along the way. Thanks for hanging out!
Adrienne Audrey says
I tried the onion peels a couple years ago. It's a lot of fun too!
ToTylkoJa says
Great idea and the outcome is awesome!
I usually stick to dyeing with onion peels.