Learn how to clean your mattress with baking soda and vinegar. If your mattress needs a little freshening up you don’t have to use expensive cleaning products or harmful chemicals. Simply head over to your pantry and grab two these two basic ingredients.
What kind of mattress do you have?
There are many different kinds of mattresses on the market these days. The two seemingly most popular are regular ‘normal’ mattresses and then the ones made from foam and hybrids of other materials such as latex. It’s important to first note what kind you have and be sure that you know it’s safe to clean it using this technique. The foam and hybrid varieties might not dry as efficiently as a regular mattress.
When is the last time that you cleaned under the bed?
Cleaning under the bed is another important note to add. While you are working on cleaning your mattress make sure that you check under the bed and vacuum the area well. While you sleep in your bed each and every night your skin is producing new cells. Believe it or not, the dead skin cells that fall off make their way into and through the bed. Most of what you find under the bed isn’t just regular dust but rather dead skin cells. Kind of gross right? Of course if you have pets you could also have pet hair and numerous other things there, either way make sure to add cleaning under the bed to your list.
- Side note: you can vacuum your mattress once a month or so to remove dander and dust from it as well.
Do you use a mattress protector?
Using a mattress protectoron any mattress in your home prevents a number of things that can happen resulting in a ruined mattress. And mattresses aren’t cheap! Using a protector will prevent damage from accidents and spills, especially if you have pets and children. Easy to remove and clean, you can use the same ingredients as below but instead soak the protector in a hot water/vinegar solution before washing it.
How old is your mattress?
Not in guessing years but what year did you actually buy it? Old mattresses can be bad for your body and health. It is recommended to replace your mattress every 6 to 8 years depending on the type and how worn out it has become in that time frame. A good mattress is a key to good sleep. As humans we tend to sleep quite a lot so it’s worth investing in something that will provide the comfort and support that you need to rest well. When you get a new mattress remember to recycle your current mattress responsibly.
When was the last time that your mattress was rotated or flipped?
Have you ever actually done this? It can be difficult when you live with a significant other to flip the mattress because you both more than likely have your own perfect spots on the bed and don’t want to give those up. Even if you keep the same sides and just flip it over it will improve the sleep quality of the mattress by preventing sagging where you sleep each night. Of course if you have something like a pillow top or remote controlled bed this might not be possible. Do what you can when you can to help keep your mattress in good shape!
Why using baking soda and vinegar to clean your mattress works
Modern cleaners that are on the market these days are full of chemicals known to harm humans, why use something so chemical filled and dangerous to health when you could simply use vinegar and baking soda? Both items are consumable and won’t harm anyone while it gets the job of cleaning your mattress done!
Baking soda is cheap, non-toxic and its properties allow it to absorb moisture and odors easily. It helps remove the invisible organisms causing smells and stains by eliminating dirt, dust,sweat and dead skin cells. All things that you probably aren’t thinking about being in your mattress but unfortunately they are.
Vinegar is also inexpensive and kills bacteria and odors almost instantly. Combining the two of them makes a power cleaner that will destroy all of the unwanted mattress invaders.
The process to clean your mattress is actually pretty easy.
How to clean the mattress
What you need:
Vinegar, baking soda, spray bottle, sifter, and a vacuum cleaner.
Step 1: Remove all of the bedding and toss it in the wash.
Step 2: Either soak or wash your mattress protector if you are using one, if not, read above why you should have one.
Step 3: Spray a light coating of vinegar over then entire mattress, making sure that you are covering it all. You can saturate stains with the vinegar to help remove odors. Le this sit for a few hours for the vinegar to settle in.
Step 4: Use a sifter for the baking soda to distribute it evenly over the whole mattress. This is going to help remove anything the vinegar didn’t as well as soak up the moisture from the vinegar. You don’t want any leftover moisture sitting in your mattress. Once the bedding is back on it makes it almost impossible for it to escape correctly.
Step 5: Leave it for a few hours or a day if possible with the baking soda on. The longer it can sit, the better it will do at removing things.
Step 5: Vacuum it again this time making sure you are getting all of the baking soda up. Go over it a few times to be certain.
Step 6: Replace the bedding and enjoy your fresh clean bed!
If you don’t have the time or prefer to have someone else come and clean your mattress, there are companies available that will come in and clean furniture just as there are companies to clean carpeting. Often time businesses will do both as they involve similar processes. Take a look at what is available in your area to make the job even easier on yourself. After cleaning why not try decorating your room with boho bedroom decor simple and easy.
How to Clean a Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar
Learn how to clean your mattress with baking soda and vinegar
- Baking soda
- Vinegar
- Spray bottle
- Sifter
- Vacuum
- Pour vinegar in a spray bottle and spray it on a mattress
- Let it dry.
- Sprinkle baking soda on the mattress and let it sit for a few hours.
- Vacuum the baking soda up.
Make sure the bed is completely dry before you place the sheets back on.
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Hi I’m Adrienne Carrie Hubbard. I believe a rich life comes not from the things you have, but the things you do; the experiences you create and the people you meet along the way. Thanks for hanging out!