How to Clean Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar

– Seashells – Hand drill – Dremel

Where to get seashells and how to prep them for drilling.

The shells were also purchased from the craft store. Normally, I would just go to the beach and pick some up but it’s winter and I am in hibernation mode. I feel like I need to warn you, if you buy shells from the craft store be prepared for a horrible stench when you open the bag.

Where to get seashells and how to prep them for drilling.

Apparently the shells are not cleaned very well before being sealed up in an airtight bag. What’s left of the crustaceans sits there fermenting for months until  purchased. It smells exactly what you would expect it to, so be prepared to wash the shells.

How to drill a hole in a seashell with a hand drill.

A regular drill is very heavy and there is a good chance that trying to drill into a delicate seashell would cause the shell to break. With this hand drill light pressure is used to slowly drill a hole into the seashell.

How to drill a hole in a seashell with a hand drill.

To make the hole simply mark on the shell where the hole will go, place the hand drill bit and start turning in a clockwise motion. Once drilled through, reverse direction to remove the drill bit.

How to Make a Hole in a Seashell with a Dremel Drill

Using a dremel drill bit is similar to the hand drill except the dremel is electric. There are two things to keep in mind when using the dremel. – Start with light pressure and build up so the shell doesn’t break – You need to use a little bit of water to prevent cracking and breaking

Steps for drilling the hole

1. First place the shell in the sink on top of a washcloth or something soft. 2. Next, Either drizzle a small stream of water from the tap over the area you are drilling or if the shell is really small just dampen it. 3. Then, lightly press into the shell where you want the hold with the drill until a hole is made.