Should you want to get rid of minor dirt stains without using harsh chemicals, consider using a mild detergent containing white vinegar. In order to make the washing formula, mix two parts white vinegar with one part washing liquid in a bottle.
Give it a good shake. If you're concerned about a strong vinegar solution, mix it with one part of water. However, we recommend using a stronger mixture for tougher stains.
After you've mixed up your concoction, thoroughly coat the entire surface of your shower door with the solution, including any cracks or crevices that may be difficult to clean.
After waiting for at least 30 minutes, use a soft sponge to remove all of the mixture from your doors, and use a microfiber cloth if there’s any leftover residue.
After cleaning off any remaining scum, it's time to give the door a good polish. Spray your door down with a bottle of commercial glass cleaning solution and focus on any remaining streaks. Wipe it clean with a microfiber cloth.