How to Clean Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar

What kind of mattress do you have?

T It’s important to first note what kind you have and be sure that you know it’s safe to clean it using this technique. The foam and hybrid varieties might not dry as efficiently as a regular mattress.

When is the last time that you cleaned under the bed?

Cleaning under the bed is another important note to add. While you are working on cleaning your mattress make sure that you check under the bed and vacuum the area well.

Do you use a mattress protector?

Using a mattress protectoron any mattress in your home prevents a number of things that can happen resulting in a ruined mattress. And mattresses aren’t cheap! Using a protector will prevent damage from accidents and spills, especially if you have pets and children.

What you need:

Vinegar, baking soda, spray bottle, sifter, and a vacuum cleaner. Step 1: Remove all of the bedding and toss it in the wash. Step 2: Either soak or wash your mattress protector if you are using one, if not, read above why you should have one.

What you need:

Step 3: Spray a light coating of vinegar over then entire mattress, making sure that you are covering it all. You can saturate stains with the vinegar to help remove odors. Le this sit for a few hours for the vinegar to settle in.

How to Clean Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Step 4: Use a sifter for the baking soda to distribute it evenly over the whole mattress. This is going to help remove anything the vinegar didn’t as well as soak up the moisture from the vinegar. You don’t want any leftover moisture sitting in your mattress. Once the bedding is back on it makes it almost impossible for it to escape correctly.

How to Clean Mattress with Baking Soda and Vinegar

Step 5: Vacuum it again this time making sure you are getting all of the baking soda up. Go over it a few times to be certain. Step 6: Replace the bedding and enjoy your fresh clean bed!