If you are unsure about what kind of leather you are dealing with, first, check the label. If it says that it’s genuine leather, then you’re most likely working with natural animal hide.
Should the label give nothing away, take a look at the surface of the leather. If it feels rough, it probably isn’t vegetable-based leather. If it feels smooth, it might be synthetic leather.
Now that you have removed any dirt and stains, it is time to apply a protective finish. Remember that the purpose of this process is to keep the leather looking good for as long as possible.
Choose a product that has been specifically designed for leather like this one. Some products contain waxes, oils, and other ingredients that will seal the leather and prevent it from absorbing moisture. Others use UV inhibitors to prevent fading.
To clean oil or tough grease stains off your leather product, whether that be shoes or a purse, apply baking soda or cornstarch directly onto the stain.